We just finished our final daily devotion in the Dominican Republic. It was titled "we are a child of God". We started off looking as 1 John 3:1 ... Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God:
Can you even begin to imagine that? Sons and daughters of the king! Knowing that really brings out our responsibility to those we meet. We represent Him. He uses us to show others who he is.

We spent the first three days here in the Dominican Republic shining God's light to sunday school teachers, teachers, and potential teachers, equipping them for the spiritual battle ahead. Now they have taken over and are showing Gods love to small children, and adults in the community. We estimated there were about 200 young children who attended yesterday. Today, only God knows.

I wake up early every morning to the sound of a group of young ladies, mostly in their teens, rejoicing and singing songs to the Lord. And, I know, whatever small part we have played here is an integral part of God's will in our lives and the lives of those living in the Dominican Republic. What a gift God has given us!
We fly out early tomorrow morning, and expect to reach home by about midnight. Please pray for our travel, and that the experience we have had works itself deep within our souls. Bless everyone who helped to make this trip possible. Whether it's setting up crafts, giving donations, or prayer, your contribution is what God used to set up a successful mission trip to Jamaica and Dominican Republic.
We love you all!
Love the video. May God bless you all for your faithful service. Thank you for keeping us updated on all the Fifty5Five adventures. It’s great to see the photos & read the posts.
Well done, good and faithful servants. Please Lord a safe trip home. Maybe even the luggage can be on the flight too this time? 🙏